Managed Networks.
For your business
today and tomorrow.

Discover specialist advice and practical expertise
with ISUMO Managed Networks

Together, we’ll design and build the right network solution for your organisation.

A network that is in lock-step with your business aspiration and growth plans. Together, we’ll determine your connectivity, capacity and network security needs. Then design a framework of equipment, services, standards and protocols to flex and grow with your team and your business demands.

Illustration of cybersecurity network and devices.

Multi-branch organisations looking to change to SD-WAN.

An SD-WAN (software-defined wide area network) architecture transformation provides secure branch connectivity, will deliver a seamless user experience and help reduce ongoing costs. ISUMO work with organisations of all sizes to deliver SD-WAN architecture. When talking with larger organisations, that might typically have an in-house network team, we provide the specialist knowledge that enables them to deliver SD-WAN hand-in-hand with our team. A successful transition from a traditional network to SD-WAN is complex, but done well it’s key to reducing over-costs, increasing network speed and availability and providing higher-level security with many additional features and business benefits.

Shield with checkmark and speedometer graphic.
    Delivers a scalable network that takes advantage of the latest technology. Delivering network performance, security and resilience.
Bar chart with security padlock icon, data protection concept.
    Single dashboard, with a simplified management interface. Manages traffic for a superior user experience. Enhanced security monitoring.
Shield with checkmark and magnifying glass on warning icon.
    SD-WAN offers advanced threat detection and prevention features to enhance security.
Gold background with white square and arrow.
    Delivering a system that will always meet your transaction throughput as you grow.
    Together, we’ll design and build the right network solution for your organisation.

An ISUMO Care Plan is a managed network service tailored to your organisation.

We’re dedicated to maintaining security and connectivity for our clients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our service eliminates the all-to-common frustrations that IT Managers can face when dealing with multiple providers. When issues arise, they can find themselves stuck in a grey area between these providers. Communication between parties can get complicated, and many IT Managers become frustrated with their suppliers lack of ownership.

It’s that grey area that our ISUMO Care Plan resolves. We care for the whole network and completely eliminate this. We talk to everyone involved, from the employee on their device, to the connectivity providers. Wherever the problem is, we find it and resolve it, day or night.

What does an ISUMO Network Care Plan provide?

  • Tailored, cost effective managed service
  • Continuous monitoring, response & reporting
  • Dedicated specialist engineers
  • Compliance (such as PCI DSS)
  • Cyber hygiene
  • 24 hour, 365 days of the year customer support

Speak to your trusted business technology partner, ISUMO. Our team are dedicated to your success.

Network Vulnerability Scan

Book an online meeting
with our Network
Specialist John Keyser

If you’re considering upgrading your network, speak to John. Together we’ll discuss options that would best suit your organisation.

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Get In Touch

Speak to an experienced technologist that understands business and who will provide immediate advice.

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