VoIP Systems.
Enhanced features
and flexibility.

Transform your business communication
with an ISUMO hosted VoIP system

Switching from a landline network, to the exciting world of cloud-based VoIP

Within a couple of years every business, and home, will be making phone calls through the internet as traditional landlines switch to VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). We’re helping businesses make sure they have the required connectivity in place to support the technology, and will introduce them to the multi-channel features and multiple location advantages of VoIP.

Diagram of cloud computing and network connectivity infrastructure.

A hosted VoIP system tailored to your business

Working with 3CX as a reseller in the London area, ISUMO are able to provide all the features of a PBX (private branch exchange) integrated into to your organisation by our expert engineers. Our friendly, experienced team will carry out a full review to establish whether your organisation has the correct broadband needed to support VoIP, and if not, what to do to get you ready. We’ll explore which of the extensive features your business wants and needs, and put forward our recommended timeline to implement your VoIP system. This integral business system needs to be kept secure and updated, with the latest software and cyber security upgrades.
Our ISUMO VoIP Care Plan provides much more than a traditional hosted service. Complete peace of mind with 24 hour, 365 days of the year customer support and security monitoring. Your teams will receive training on how to benefit from the many features, including best practice for maintaining security.

Bar chart showing decreasing trend in data.
    Our hosted VoIP system is less expensive than the overall costs of a traditional wired phone service.
Cloud computing and telephony service icon
    Your new VoIP system will offer over 50 features and functionalities. Together, we can decide on the ones that will be best for your organisation, and provide training.
Computer screens displaying profile and chat icons.
    Communications are unified and maintained in one application. With multiple channels such as instant messaging, call conferencing and voicemail transcription.
Green Wi-Fi symbol on dark background.
    VoIP allows your business to operate from anywhere in the world, as long as reliable WiFi is available. You can add more ‘seats’ as your business grows.

What does an ISUMO Care Plan provide?

  • Tailored, cost effective managed service
  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Software upgrades
  • Team training on features and functionalities
  • 24 hour, 365 days of the year customer support

Speak to your trusted business technology partner, ISUMO. Our team are dedicated to your success.

Network Vulnerability Scan

Take the next steps to
exploring the world of

We’ll help you establish whether your organisation has the correct broadband needed to support VoIP, and if not, what to do to get you ready.

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Get In Touch

Speak to an experienced technologist that understands business and who will provide immediate advice.

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